(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

Best Places to Live…

This was just posted and we have a county that made the list – well, just outside of Columbus is Deleware County- Ranking #2 out of 10, and here’s what Forbes had to say:

Over the last few years, jobs and incomes in these counties grew most.

Professional success often requires some degree of sacrifice. Surprisingly, one of those sacrifices might include moving to the outskirts of Columbus, Ohio. Living in Delaware County is, in some ways, a smarter career move than packing up and heading for Wall Street or Silicon Valley.

With three-year income growth of 11% between 2007 and 2009, Delaware County is one of 10 places Forbes found best for professionals to get ahead. The fastest-growing county in the state, it has benefited from both a diverse mix of jobs that has kept the economy strong, and family-friendly neighborhoods that expanded out from the city center.

The counties on our list are geographically spread out and varied in industry, but they have one thing in common: They’re all suburbs of big cities. But these aren’t sleepy bedroom communities feeding off of urban spillover.

“The inner-ring suburbs look very much like their city neighbors,” says Lawrence Levy (no relation to this story’s writer), executive director of the National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University. “They look like it physically, racially, ethnically, and economically.”

2. County: Delaware County, Ohio
Suburb of Columbus, Ohio
Median Household Income, 2007: $80,448.00
Median Household Income, 2008: $88,899.00
Change in Income: 10.50%
Change in Jobs, 2007-2009: 2.22%

Sometimes you just gotta stop and remember what is really important!

In the real estate business there are many opportunities to come into people’s lives – sometimes for good or not so happy reasons.  I truly enjoy working with people and I am always touched by those who have a kind and gentle way (and even those who can be somewhat difficult tend to find a special place in my heart.)  This email was just received as part of my younger son’s football email system.  I wanted to share this with any of you who may be interested or in need of a gentle reminder:  Children are our greatest gift and every moment we have should be cherished.  May continued healing and hope be with the family of Mark Kreusch.  Please check out their website at markkreusch.com

Centerville – Washington Township Merger?

Doesn’t look like this is passing any time soon! It seems the “big meeting” held on March 31st left a lot more questions and still more concerns for residents as officials really hadn’t prepared for the full scope of merger details. Clearly, there is a lot to be considered when two distinct areas decide to join forces as one – but if you can’t answer the basic questions of who will pay more or who will pay less for the merger – then how can you expect residents to vote? The city offers more financial information through a link on their website and the video is suppose to be available for viewing as well – and yes, you can always call Washington Township of Centerville government offices to ask your questions. Just the increase cost for Police coverage sounds a bit costly and how does that NOT relate to more property taxes for everyone? So it was left that petitions will be sought to determine if a study for the merger should begin and voters can decide on the November ballot. Good thing this is a Presidential Year as that means we’ll have more people turning out to vote and we can get a real sense as to what the residents of both Washington Township and Centerville want!