(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

Let’s Talk About Property Taxes…

A topic that is on everyone’s mind and in the middle of a lot of discussion is about Property Taxes, so “Let’s Talk About Property Taxes” here in the Montgomery County / Dayton Ohio Region specifically…  We know (or have heard) that the increases seen this past year due to the continued uptick in the Seller’s Market – has netted about a 34% INCREASE in property tax basis.  What does that mean for the average homeowner?  Higher Property Taxes, of course.  Now that increase you pay isn’t 34% but it is HIGHER and with no real legislation or “control” in place – OHIO is one of the states that this tax can continue to be a burden and negative impact on the future of properties – if not addressed!

Our State Legislation currently has at least 5 bills under consideration – to address Property Taxes.  From raising the Homestead Exemption from its current $25,000-$38,000 to a HIGHER AMOUNT; to restricting the amount of increase for those who are Elderly or Disabled or Fixed Income; to potentially a hybrid version that combines a little of all the bills to one.  EITHER WAY YOU SLICE IT – People are being TAXED higher than they see the value necessary – and with continued ballot votes that offer LEVY and ASSESSMENTS that can ADD to the Property Taxes, people are just fed up.

This was the perfect time to have our guest speaker, John McManus, the Montgomery County Treasurer, on our recent podcast The Real-Tea – and was he an enjoyable treat to share!  His view and perspective on things is coming from a place of “the people” and to hear that he UNDERSTANDS our perspective and feels the PINCH with us, was a welcome and unexpected benefit.  I don’t know about you – but having someone in this position who understands and can relate to the plight of the people is certainly advantageous!  I say we keep him in the position for a few more terms!?

Take a listen / look at our podcast – there was so much information we had to do a second episode – so don’t miss that one either!




Here’s a few of the tidbit details you may want to check out as well:

Do you know how much of your property tax goes to the school district??  60% !  And levies can either increase or decrease additional funds for this purpose:  New levies are making an INCREASE, or a RENEWAL is keeping the level as current. Montgomery County receives 2-4 %

Depending on your property location, the following ALSO receive a portion of your property taxes: Cities, Townships, Parks and Recreation, Emergency Services, Human Services, and Schools including Sinclair and / or Miami Valley Career Tech.

To see what YOUR property tax goes to cover specifically:

  • Go to www.mcauditor.org
  • Click on Property Search (proceed to site)
  • Search By Address (enter your property address as directed)
  • Select the Parcel for your property.

On the left side bar – Select the LEVEY DISTRIBUTION and you will see the breakdown of where your property taxes are being distributed.


County Recorder’s Office: Fraud Alert Notification System:  Recordings filed against your property will be an immediate notification to you so that you can QUICKLY see if there is fraudulent activity against your property.

Sign up for this FREE SERVICE @ https://go.mcohio.org/applications/recorder/fraud/

County Auditor’s Office:  Buy with Confidence – a program to offer homebuyers information and resources to avoid being taken advantage of when buying property.  https://www.mcohio.org/1480/Buy-With-Confidence


John’s passion project is with Financial Literacy for Adults and Children… This is a FREE Program that can be arranged to present information and education on understanding money / budget and financial planning.  Contact the County Offices at 937-225-4010 to schedule.

Reverse Mortgages: Unveiling Insights and Pitfalls

Reverse Mortgages: Unveiling Insights and Pitfalls… At first glance, Reverse Mortgages may seem like a beneficial financial option, especially for seniors looking to tap into their home equity. However, our episode uncovers the hidden complexities and potential risks associated with these arrangements. Through a detailed analysis and invaluable insights, we empower you with a deeper understanding of Reverse Mortgages.

Our mission is clear: to equip you with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions. By dissecting the intricacies of Reverse Mortgages, we provide you with the tools to navigate this financial option with confidence and clarity. Whether you’re considering a Reverse Mortgage or simply curious about its implications, this episode is a must-listen.

Join us as we unravel the mysteries surrounding Reverse Mortgages and offer practical advice to help you avoid common pitfalls. By staying informed and aware, you can protect yourself and your assets while making sound financial choices for the future.

Tune in to our podcast episode and gain a deeper understanding of Reverse Mortgages. Don’t let the allure of quick cash overshadow the importance of due diligence and informed decision-making. Your financial well-being is paramount, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

** This episode is dedicated to Mildred Elrod, mother of Tammy Lilly, and the subject case of today’s topic. Her passing in December of 2023 brought to light not only the issues of a Reverse Mortgage; but it spotlights the unconscionable preying on our seniors. From their real estate holdings to potential inheritance by family; the government’s insatiable appetite to misrepresent a “solution” that ultimately is a scheme to deteriorate what should be the people’s rights of ownership, wealth accumulation and future generation of wealth inheritance. **

You Tube:  https://youtu.be/yrZUlpTG7fo

Spotify:  https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/real-homes-to-love/episodes/The-Real-Tea-SPECIAL-Episode-on-Reverse-Mortgages-e2im43i

Decoding Land Contracts:

Decoding Land Contracts: A Blueprint for Real Estate Success

Welcome to our latest podcast episode, where we delve deep into the fascinating world of land contracts. If you’ve ever wondered about the intricacies of these contracts and the opportunities they offer to both buyers and sellers in real estate transactions, then this episode is a must-listen for you.

We begin by unraveling the complexities of land contracts, shedding light on the fundamental concepts that underpin these agreements. Whether you’re a prospective buyer or seller, gaining a deeper understanding of land contracts can provide you with invaluable insights and knowledge to make informed decisions.

One of the key takeaways from this episode is the importance of working with experienced professionals such as your Realtor and Legal Counsel. These experts play a vital role in guiding you through the nuances of land contracts, ensuring that your financial needs and goals are met with clarity and transparency.

By fostering open and honest communication with your team of professionals, you can pave the way for a successful transition to your next home. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell real estate, the knowledge gained from this episode will empower you to navigate land contracts with confidence and precision.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain a blueprint for real estate success. Tune in to our podcast episode and unlock the secrets of land contracts, setting the stage for a seamless and rewarding real estate journey. Your dream home awaits, and understanding land contracts is the key to unlocking its doors.



Buy or Sell First?

Buy or Sell First? This question revolves around the complexities of timing in the real estate market. With low inventory and high demand, deciding whether to buy first or sell first can seem like a real estate version of “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Tammy and Elle share their perspectives on this process, offering valuable insights and considerations to help listeners navigate this crucial decision.

In today’s market, nearly everyone is grappling with the same dilemma. You might be thinking, “I need to sell my house to buy my next one, but what if I can’t find a new home in time?” Or perhaps, “If I wait to sell, will my contingent offer even stand a chance?” These are valid concerns, and this episode aims to address them head-on.

Through candid discussions and expert advice, Tammy and Elle guide listeners in understanding the implications of buying or selling first. Whether you’re a seasoned homeowner or a first-time buyer, this episode is packed with valuable information to help you make informed decisions about your next move in the real estate market.

Tune in to gain clarity and confidence in navigating the buying vs. selling dilemma. Let Tammy and Elle’s insights empower you to take the next steps towards your dream home without the stress of uncertainty. Don’t miss out on this episode—it’s time to sip The Real-Tea and make informed real estate decisions!



Unlocking the Secrets of the Loan Process:

Unlocking the Secrets of the Loan Process: A Conversation with Mortgage Advisor Justin Williams

Are you in the midst of navigating the complex world of home buying? Perhaps you’re curious about the loan process and eager to gain insights from a seasoned expert. Look no further than our latest podcast episode featuring Justin Williams, a Mortgage Advisor with Union Home Mortgage.

In this special episode, we dive deep into the crucial aspects of the loan process that every prospective homebuyer should know. From essential questions to ask to key considerations, Justin shares valuable perspectives and insider tips to demystify the loan journey.

Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or seasoned in real estate transactions, this episode promises to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the loan process effectively. Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to unlock the secrets of securing a mortgage and making informed decisions for your home purchase.

Tune in to our podcast and join the conversation with Justin Williams to gain invaluable insights and empower your home buying journey. Your dream home awaits, and understanding the loan process is the key to unlocking its doors.

What sets this episode apart is the opportunity for you, our listeners, to directly engage with Justin. Do you have burning questions about mortgages, lending criteria, or financial considerations? Comment below and share your questions with us, and we’ll put Justin back in the hot seat to provide clarity and expert advice.


NAR Settlement Announced – Now What?

NAR Settlement Announced – Now What?  If you are like many, this is the breaking news and hot topic – and depending on your news source – highly debatable!  As with ANYTHING you should do your own research, ask questions and seek to understand as to HOW THIS AFFECTS YOU.  Everything is being distorted when it comes to the NAR Settlement and it does not necessarily mean that Realtors have CUT their commission, or that you don’t need to use a Realtor, or any other variety of click bait topics being trolled!

First, the settlement that was “announced” is an agreement that is YET TO BE ACCEPTED.  It is subject to still change and just as the DOJ previously had made an agreement with NAR that they then RESCINDED – nothing is set and final, until the ‘fat lady of justice process’ actually SINGS.

Second, NEVER has the commission rate been decided or directed by NAR; nor is it set in stone – it has ALWAYS BEEN NEGOTIABLE.  It has been a process that was incorporated in the sale of a home to be paid by the seller proceeds, that also allows for the compensation to the BUYER’S AGENT without having the Buyer come out of pocket directly for the payment of their Agent’s fee for services; which for 116 years was an agreeable process and standard industry.  Now What??

MY TAKE on this – which I have been in the business since 2001 and seen many changes in the process – some for the better service of our clients; ease of business for the Agents; and in general, just because of technology changes.  IF YOU KNOW ME – then you know I have had my pulpit moments for just about all of those changes! LOL

In this case, I think the NEGATIVE IMPACT of this “settlement” stands to hurt our BUYERS and SELLERS – ultimately doing EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what “was intended” by this lawsuit / settlement.  Why do I say that?  Well, if the BUYER is now responsible to PAY for their Realtor FEES, it is currently only able to be done OUT OF POCKET and NOT ROLLED INTO THEIR LOAN.  So someone looking to purchase a $100,000 home, not only needs to have the 3.5% (5 or 10 or whatever down-payment percentage determined by them for the loan they are seeking) PLUS the closing costs (which BTW were NOT included in this lawsuit discussion as “needing to be negotiable for the Buyer so they were fully aware of what their costs are / were”) which can be 1%-5% depending on where / what are closing costs are factored into the specific type of loan they are using.  This DOES NOT INCLUDE the Out of Pocket Expenses Buyer has for the PROCESS: Inspections and Appraisal fees (typically anywhere from $400-$1500+) again – DEPENDING on the type of property, location and type of loan.  SO MANY VARIABLES that go into determining WHAT THE BUYER is going to pay – and yet ANOTHER REASON THE BUYER NEEDS TO HAVE A REALTOR ON THEIR BEHALF THAT IS WORKING TO ENSURE THEY UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING INVOLVED WITH THEIR PURCHASE.

Don’t even get me started how this is setting the country up for massive issues with Fair Housing Violations, REDLINING, and a complete DISCRIMINATION against all those from First Time Buyers – to our MILITARY – to everyone else who may be in a “situation” that takes special care!

If you are a SELLER – you will be affected in a different way and should ask questions of any Realtor you look to HIRE, as to what this means for YOU.

If you are a BUYER – you will be affected THE MOST, and having a honest discussion with a Realtor you seek to HIRE, is critical to ensure YOU get the representation you want / need and understand HOW THEY WILL BE PAID.  Again, so many factors involved depending on the house, location, and loan you want…make sure you get the answers you need to be able to do what is BEST FOR YOU.

For the people who may have ever thought REALTOR SERVICES ARE FREE – that is WRONG.  Of course the fee for using a Realtor is being PAID (by someone) and for those who FAILED TO DISCLOSE WHO WAS PAYING FOR THE REALTOR(s) – SHAME ON YOU for getting us all into this mess!  (But YES, there is A LOT that we do that is “extra” and sometimes we do A LOT OF WORK and don’t get to the closing table – which means we are NOT GETTING PAID!)  Having our commission tied to the actual CLOSING PROCESS ensures that we are COMMITTED TO THE PROCESS FOR OUR CLIENT (otherwise it just becomes an ala cart pricing structure that you pay each time you want us to show a house, write a contract, attend an inspection, negotiate an issue, etc…)  my eyes are rolling back in my head at this point!!!

Want to know more about what I think??  I cover it here on an BONUS episode of The Real-Tea Podcast and I am ALWAYS HAPPY TO ANSWER YOUR SPECIFIC QUESTIONS FOR YOUR SPECIFIC SITUATION 😉  Watch the video episode on YouTube at https://youtu.be/aY6P6J3zTr4  or audio version on Spotify at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/real-homes-to-love/episodes/The-RealTea-on-NAR-Lawsuit-Settlement-e2h8dhi.

And YES – there is reliable details about all of the FACTS, this site is PUBLIC and available to update YOU on this subject (without the rhetoric, hype, or click bait!!)  FACTS.REALTOR