(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

A topic that is on everyone’s mind and in the middle of a lot of discussion is about Property Taxes, so “Let’s Talk About Property Taxes” here in the Montgomery County / Dayton Ohio Region specifically…  We know (or have heard) that the increases seen this past year due to the continued uptick in the Seller’s Market – has netted about a 34% INCREASE in property tax basis.  What does that mean for the average homeowner?  Higher Property Taxes, of course.  Now that increase you pay isn’t 34% but it is HIGHER and with no real legislation or “control” in place – OHIO is one of the states that this tax can continue to be a burden and negative impact on the future of properties – if not addressed!

Our State Legislation currently has at least 5 bills under consideration – to address Property Taxes.  From raising the Homestead Exemption from its current $25,000-$38,000 to a HIGHER AMOUNT; to restricting the amount of increase for those who are Elderly or Disabled or Fixed Income; to potentially a hybrid version that combines a little of all the bills to one.  EITHER WAY YOU SLICE IT – People are being TAXED higher than they see the value necessary – and with continued ballot votes that offer LEVY and ASSESSMENTS that can ADD to the Property Taxes, people are just fed up.

This was the perfect time to have our guest speaker, John McManus, the Montgomery County Treasurer, on our recent podcast The Real-Tea – and was he an enjoyable treat to share!  His view and perspective on things is coming from a place of “the people” and to hear that he UNDERSTANDS our perspective and feels the PINCH with us, was a welcome and unexpected benefit.  I don’t know about you – but having someone in this position who understands and can relate to the plight of the people is certainly advantageous!  I say we keep him in the position for a few more terms!?

Take a listen / look at our podcast – there was so much information we had to do a second episode – so don’t miss that one either!




Here’s a few of the tidbit details you may want to check out as well:

Do you know how much of your property tax goes to the school district??  60% !  And levies can either increase or decrease additional funds for this purpose:  New levies are making an INCREASE, or a RENEWAL is keeping the level as current. Montgomery County receives 2-4 %

Depending on your property location, the following ALSO receive a portion of your property taxes: Cities, Townships, Parks and Recreation, Emergency Services, Human Services, and Schools including Sinclair and / or Miami Valley Career Tech.

To see what YOUR property tax goes to cover specifically:

  • Go to www.mcauditor.org
  • Click on Property Search (proceed to site)
  • Search By Address (enter your property address as directed)
  • Select the Parcel for your property.

On the left side bar – Select the LEVEY DISTRIBUTION and you will see the breakdown of where your property taxes are being distributed.


County Recorder’s Office: Fraud Alert Notification System:  Recordings filed against your property will be an immediate notification to you so that you can QUICKLY see if there is fraudulent activity against your property.

Sign up for this FREE SERVICE @ https://go.mcohio.org/applications/recorder/fraud/

County Auditor’s Office:  Buy with Confidence – a program to offer homebuyers information and resources to avoid being taken advantage of when buying property.  https://www.mcohio.org/1480/Buy-With-Confidence


John’s passion project is with Financial Literacy for Adults and Children… This is a FREE Program that can be arranged to present information and education on understanding money / budget and financial planning.  Contact the County Offices at 937-225-4010 to schedule.