(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

Why Global?

The world has opened its opportunities and people are searching for homes, properties and businesses to expand their horizons! We thought the age of the internet was the mechanism for globalization, and in many ways it has facilitated changes in perspectives of people and allowed many to explore much more than otherwise.

Now that the Covid Pandemic has taken place, society has once again had a change of perspective – where working from home or from remote locations is now more possible then ever – people have realized they may not have to be in “ONE” location – but they can choose to live somewhere in another city, state or even country – and still have the quality of life (or better) and still work as needed.

This GLOBAL REAL ESTATE MARKET is beginning to take shape in ways our parents and grand-parents would have never imagined!

Tammy Murphy has continued to add to her designations as the market and her clients needs have shifted.  Being licensed as a Realtor in 2001, she became a Broker in 2013 and opened R H 2 L as an independent brokerage in January of 2014.  She serves in her local board on various committees, as well as the State Level and within the Women’s Council of Realtors organization.  Her passion is helping clients to achieve their real estate dreams and needs – and she understands that life changes happen to everyone.  When she personally began to explore this world outside of the continental US – she saw just how much people have in common and was thrilled to learn about new cultures and see new places.  That ignited a secondary passion and she began her quest for Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) designation, which she received in 2018.  Since that time, she has traveled to France, Italy and Spain and learned about real estate along the way.  Making those international connections has been paramount to her success to assist clients who are looking to move abroad, and for those looking to move to the US.

Feel free to check out information within this booklet for an idea of how the Dayton, Ohio USA market presents for your consideration.  *While market data is always changing, for updated statistics or specifics you may like – please reach out to Tammy directly. +1937-838-0997 or via email  [email protected]

(clicking on image will take you to the pdf version of booklet)

Finding the right LENDER to make a purchase in another country can be difficult and time consuming.  Knowing the general parameters of what will be needed to make financing available for your purchase is key!  Owner Occupied purchase programs are being established so that a mortgage option may be available (as opposed to paying all cash).  Additionally, having a lender you can use prior to making your purchase in another country, expat or other arrangements, are also limited – but in process of being developed. We will update information as available.

USA Mortgages is a lender who is positioned to assist YOU with making that international move, and if a program does not currently exist to help you, they are diligently looking to expand their portfolio offerings.  Visit their website here for more information: https://www.usa-mortgages.com

ATTENTION Investors looking to make a purchase in the US – here are some important financial notes (subject to change depending on market rates*)

  1. Loan term 10 years with up to 30 years of amortization
  2. Option for first 3 years interest only
  3. LTV up to 70% for a refi or new purchase
  4. Current rates start at 5.5%
  5. Origination fee of 1.5% (Min $,1500) + all closing costs paid by the borrower (Appraisal, title, etc)
  6. Reserves (Min 3 months mortgage payments + 1-year property tax and insurance)
  7. Prepayment penalties in first 5 years (5%,4%,3%,2%,1%)

USA Mortgages Client Brochure can be viewed in pdf by clicking on the image below:

Here are some interesting tidbits as related to GLOBAL you might enjoy 😉


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