What is an Escalation Clause and do I need to OFFER MORE THAN THE LIST PRICE to BUY a HOUSE?
In this busy and somewhat CRAZY Real Estate Market – we are being asked about the MANY WAYS you can write an offer to get the contract accepted…SOME of those ways are better than others – and of course, EVERYTHING IS DEPENDENT UPON THE CLIENT’S NEEDS.
So while we will give you some information here, it is prefaced with the fact that 1) WE ARE NOT LAWYERS AND CANNOT / DO NOT PRACTICE LAW; 2) Every person / property / loan is SPECIFIC to the transaction; and 3) General information is provided as a basis so that you have an abundance of details to make the decision BEST FOR YOU.
Escalation Clause Realtor.com Article
While it is certainly an UNPRECEDENTED TIME in REAL ESTATE, we have tried to prepare a range of those possible scenarios for Buyers and Sellers to understand a bit more of what is going on… READ our Form to learn MORE: Unprecedented Offer Scenarios
Watch this YouTube video for more information from Tammy. Escalation Clauses