(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

Land Contract Information

Buyers who are looking to BUY but are concerned that with all the mortgage changes they may not be able to find the right loan program – are looking at LAND CONTRACTS as an option.

Sellers who are looking to SELL and don’t want to have to take the hit to the bottom line or who need to make a sale NOW are looking at offering a LAND CONTRACT as an option.

Now, the benefit is this: a LAND CONTRACT can actually work very well for both parties and everyone can feel confident that the deal is solid, that both buyer and seller have “built-in protection clauses” and that for all intents and purposes – this seller financing option is a viable way to make the deal happen now. (more…)

Homes I’ve Represented Sellers

Selling a house has always been a challenge – and when markets slow or economy takes a dip – then it takes far more than just putting a sign in the yard to make a house sell. My marketing plan is a unique combination of tried and true techniques combined with new age technology – and I don’t give up! It takes a dedicated Realtor working with motivated Sellers to make a deal work – having many options to choose from, Buyers are looking – my job is to get them LOOKING at your house. If you would like to know more, feel free to call me anytime!