(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

What Are YOU Waiting For??

We hear it in the news – the banks have money to lend…but are they “lending” money?  I have at least a DOZEN Buyers that are right now – looking and ready to Buy!  Even when we think we find the right house – something seems to not be right with getting them a loan.  I continue to ask – what are the Banks waiting for?!

Likewise, I have a number of “buyers” who have been looking for some time for the “right” property…and we look and keep looking.  They either haven’t even gotten to the point of getting Pre-Approved to know what  they may need to do in the event of finding the “right” place; OR, they have been Pre-Approved and the “right” place just isn’t found yet.  Maybe the rates will go down, maybe the stimulus will give them something more for buying or maybe – who knows?  Fact is, I’ve had clients that in hind-sight, DID find the “right” property they just decided not to make the offer when first seen – and then a terrible thing happened, SOMEONE ELSE made the offer and bought the property!

And while we are on the subject, Sellers – or better, Potential Sellers – what are you waiting for??  Did you know that RIGHT NOW – there are 1147 homes PENDING FOR SALE.  YES, there are Deals, there are Buyers and there are obviously Sellers – our market SOLD 8491 homes last year.  If we arleady have over 1100 Pending – seems to me with this just being the middle of February, we are on track to have a better year!

If you are looking to SELL – now is the time, if you can price your home according to the market and still be OK – don’t wait.  If you are looking to BUY – now is the time…interest rates are great and there are a number of homes to choose from, make an offer and at least START the process of negotiating.  And finally, BANKS – PLEASE START MAKING THE LOANS and being reasonable that not everyone has “perfect credit” – but people do need a place to live and they will do what it takes to provide for themselves and those they love.

Good Luck to everyone, I am here to help make dreams a reality!


For Sale By Owner – FSBO

If you are a Seller looking for the best way to get your home SOLD – while saving as much money as you can – I have a FSBO Assistance Program that will help you to market to the Buying Public at a LOW -ONE TIME – COST.  When you add up the cost of listing on FSBO site, and the LIMITS they put on for the number of photos, changes, etc – add in the cost of newspaper advertising, the time you spend holding open houses and much more that is involved with selling your home – you have more than paid for the services of a Realtor.  But I understand, not everyone is in a position to sell with a Realtor, and not everyone needs the full services of a Realtor; so this FSBO Assistance Program IS YOUR ANSWER.  Call or email me today to find out more – no hassle, easy to understand AND saves you money!

More on Section 8

Here are some helpful links to review if you are a property owner considering Section 8 as an option to rent your properties:

While this helps to bring all of the information more easily to you – the process can still be complicated for out-of-state owners.  If you are interested in having someone locally to make the connections for you, talk with me about getting your property ready for the first pre-inspection and the information about your property out for potential tenants to see!  If all things work well, we can have a tenant ready to go as soon as your property is ready.

Home Inspection Services

When asked, “who do you use for home inspections?” I answer that I personally have used Tony Burke with AccuTech Home Inspections. Tony does an excellent job of providing a thorough inspection that not only will educate a buyer but provide a sense of assurance for the closing to proceed after the inspection report is completed.

CLICK HERE for more information about their services.

AccuTech Logo

Now granted, there are many Home Inspectors out there – and I have had deals where other services have been requested and used. But if I am asked for my “personal” recommendation, then I want to provide the name of someone I can completely trust. Tony has earned that trust by being honest and forthright with information – whether that was “good news” or “not so good news.” I would much rather know the “not so good news” upfront and know that it was being stated as fact and not for any other reason.

Sellers, ask me about a “Pre-Offer Inspection!” This is a great service that may be available for your property that has been on the market for awhile – but just never received the right offer. By having a Pre-Offer Inspection, you may be able to provide a peace of mind to the Buyers who do come through the house later.