(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

Register On My Site to WIN

Getting NEW CLIENTS is an opportunity to not only expand my business but a chance to meet new people like you!  So as an added incentive to the great working relationship we can develop as Buyer / Seller to Realtor, I would like to offer the option to register on my SITE and new clients will be entered into a drawing to WIN $250 Gift Card for Lowe’s.

CLICK HERE to be taken to the Registration Site.  And I look forward to working with you in the near future!

By the way – even if you don’t happen to WIN the gift card – I hope that you will feel you still “WIN” working with ME!

What is the Good Faith Estimate?

In the process of buying or selling a home – the Good Faith Estimate (GFE) is what boils down all the numbers and tells buyers what the home is costing them with closing, prepaids, and how much they need to bring to the table; for the seller it tells how much the Sales Price of the home less any closing costs, prepaids, mortgage payoff(s) and finally the total NET amount to seller.  (more…)

Top 10 Things For Your Home

Chances are – if you are looking to buy a home – then most (if not all) of these items make your list of things desired for your new place…{and if you are ready to sell – you may benefit the bottom dollar and lessen the listing time by making sure some of these items are features of your house}:

1. Large Kitchens, With an Island

2. Energy-Efficient Appliances, High-Efficiency Insulation and High Window Efficiency

3. Home Office/Study

4. Main-Floor Master Suite

5. Outdoor Living Room

6. Ceiling Fans

7. Master Suite Soaker Tubs

8. Stone and Brick Exteriors

9. Community Landscaping, With Walking Paths and Playgrounds

10. Two-Car Garages

See full Market Watch article HERE

You SHOULD be Ready to Buy – NOW!

Here’s the thing – if you NEED a house – NOW is the time to BUY…if you financially can afford the loan, closing costs and associated maintenance – reasonably, there will NEVER be the opportunities you can find now.  So you think that “I” am just saying that?  No, because honestly, I leave the buying decision up to my clients.  HOWEVER, there may be times – when in all good knowledge that I have – my recommendation is to WRITE THE OFFER NOW as oppossed to waiting…and so many times, that proves to have been the best deal for my clients.

I stumbled upon this article and wanted to share a portion for you to consider – if YOU or anyone you know, is thinking about BUYING:

Now, what is going to happen to home prices over the next few years?

I am not as formally schooled in such matters as our current leaders are. I’m just a guy who has seen this movie, too. It is my belief that a side effect to saving America’s economy will be a robust increase in inflation. I believe that Inflation will regain all the “value” we lost in housing over the past two years, and that it will regain it in five years or less. Simply put, to put the brakes on inflation, government must inhibit the recovery. The people in power aren’t going to do that. Inflation is a necessary evil compared to a full scale depression and an acceptable trade off for most of us. (And oil won’t stay at about $40 a barrel too long, either!)

So, tell your clients the truth: Interest rates will never be this low again in their lifetimes. Home prices won’t be this low again in their lifetimes. This is the perfect storm economically, but it also the perfect time to buy a home; provided that you buy it as a home and not a piggy bank. It’s just a nice side benefit that five years from now, the home you bought today will have appreciated so much that you’ll be thinking (just like I did in 1979): “What a smart investor I am!”

This just happens to be the perfect confluence of opportunity and necessity: we must fix the economy and we’re going to, whatever it takes. Inflation is an unavoidable side effect. Buy that house this year!

No pressure from me – but I will tell you – there is NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT (to buy, which also means that if you have a property to SELL – this is the time to have it listed with a Realtor so that the buying public can have the access they need.)  I am available to assist you with Buying or Selling in todays market!