(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

Electronic Lockboxes ARE Coming!

I am happy to be able to report that the DABR has voted to implement the use of this technology in our area and I am SOOOO Excited to be able to offer this additional feature for those who are looking to SELL their property in the future.  If you have questions, feel free to contact me.  Click on link below for the “official” announcement:

Board President Announces Electronic Lockbox Decision


UPDATE:  In an unprecedented move – the Board of Directors had a motion to put this to Membership Vote AFTER being approved.  The general membership discounted the Task Force / Board Approval and VOTED DOWN ELECTRONIC LOCK BOXES.  Sadly, this may well be a dead issue for our area irregardless of the better technology and benefits for our clients.

Nice to Know !

We work hard to get the exposure for your properties and to be able to show buyers properties that are available…so when a website let’s me know I’m in the Top 10% – that is GREAT NEWS for my Clients!!
Trulia Rank