We all work so hard and finding that down-time can sometimes be difficult. Here’s a website that will allow you to search for travel specials and discounted travel, rental cars, etc so that you may be able to find a good enough deal to make yourself RELAX. With the age of internet there are many ways to search for deals – so knowing where you want to go and when you are available to travel is really half the battle. Good Luck! CLICK HERE for Travel Site
The Annual Dayton Area Board of Realtors Golf Outing was another success at raising much needed funds for our local community. I am proud to be a part of this committee and for all those who worked so hard – we THANK YOU for your support. If you were not able to make it out and enjoy a round of golf, a game of cornhole or even just for the food and networking – YOU MISSED OUT! CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of $300 CASH PRIZES: Tom Trotter won $300 from Title Quest; Rose Felmet won $300 from M & M Title Agency; Steve Hansman won $300 from Countrywide; and finally (last but not least!) Ondina Bonser won $300 from Real Homes To Love.com !! In addition to the Cash Prize I offered, a couple of my previous clients were able to enjoy a round of golf in the afternoon and dinner “on me.” Just one of the ways I “believe in and give back.”
There are many lenders in the business to assist you as a Home Buyer, all with a variety of programs and options that may work best for you. It is important to understand the terms of any loan, to have communication with the lender that is honest and easily available and certainly someone with experience you can trust.
EMAIL Mark Myers, Sales Manager for Countrywide: Office: 937-431-6803
Facing Foreclosure is not an easy thing to endure; along with the personal embarrassment you may feel and lack of self confidence to take care of your family – the added stress from not knowing where to turn seems impossible to overcome. You’re getting mail from strangers who “promise the world” only to find out they require money up front or they turn out not to be able to answer your questions. Now that you are feeling like the bunny looking for shelter from the hawk – let me again assure you – THERE IS HOPE. While speaking with your lender is vital – finding an organization that can support you locally is just as beneficial. The Community Action Partnership is our local organization that has programs in place and personnel trained to assist those in financial need. Not necessarily a “hand-out” but the ability to work with you and the current lender or even in finding a new lender to work with you – the support and guidance you receive from them could help give you the restful nights sleep you need and the hope for facing the future of tomorrow. Fighting together to make the American Dream your reality is the key to not having to give up, if you have more questions about this program or any other concerns about foreclosure – please give me a call. Our discussion will be in confidence, candid and most likely very helpful for what you are trying to accomplish. Hang in there – there are concerned people who do not want to take advantage of you or your situation – you just need to let us know about your plight.
As an Investor, you are looking for ways to generate “guaranteed” income and this may well be one area that has yet been UNTAPPED. Section 8 just collected hundreds of applications from those in the community who are seeking to be placed in a Section 8 home. There may be as many as 600 homes NEEDED for this program to facilitate the new applications!
If you are not familiar with the process – but are interested in having your Vacant homes made profitable – this may well be an alternative worth checking into. The benefits would include: having a tenant that is accountable to a city program as well as the lease – if they fail to do their part – they stand to loose the whole Section 8 program; guaranteed monthly rent – paid in part or in full by Section 8 directly to you; and even possibly – working with a tenant under these terms who after 2 years could do a purchase of the property!
I am asked -many times- about “property management” and while there are companies who provide this service, some real estate companies may even include a property management department; I make available this recommendation: Investor’s Nest. They are familiar with the Section 8 program, their requirements for the home (standards of condition, repairs and tenant policies), they are local and they know the business of investing in property and what is involved with tenant and property maintenance. Investor’s Nest was created to offer these services for those who are out of the area or who do not want to be involved in the daily process. They can work from the very beginning of the stages in preparing the home for Section 8 inspection and implementation into the program, facilitate repairs that may be needed, interview the Section 8 candidates for the best tenant for your property as well as the property maintenance (or any portion of those services you choose.) All rental income continues to be directly to you – the owner. If you have questions, please feel free to discuss terms and opportunities available.
The real estate brokerage with a heart! Helping you as buyers and sellers in today's real estate market. RH2L is "Real Homes To Love" and your choice for professional real estate services in today's market! Office hours by appointment.