This year has been especially difficult for the real estate market – and in many ways has opened our eyes to be ever more diligent about PROTECTION and RIGHTS. Along that lines, criminals seek opportunities to take advantage of a chaotic environment and rely upon those not keeping up with all the things going on / happening. Our desire is to PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS in Real Estate and assist with helpful information – so please take this message as your PSA to: Protect Yourself from Deed Fraud.
Naturally, if you are in the process of buying a home with us, we are going to share with you the BENEFITS OF A TITLE POLICY – and we have seen a number of instances where the client DID follow our advice and ultimately this SAVED THEM from title troubles and legal costs to correct. While ultimately it is the client’s decision as to if they want to purchase a title policy, we believe that being INFORMED and EDUCATED about What is a Title Policy and What does it do for YOU – is the best way to ensure you make the right decision for yourself.
Our counties have registered an INCREASE in Fraudulent DEED ACTIVITIES in 2023, and for this reason, many counties are taking actions to establish further steps in the recording process, as well as setting up notification systems. Even if you are not buying a home anytime soon, or for that matter, even if you do not plan to SELL your home – having a FRAUD ALERT set on your DEED with the County CAN HELP PROTECT YOU. “The sooner you know something is wrong – the sooner you can do something about it.”