When you are considering a major purchase (such as a house) – credit repair could be recommended as a starting point. Click Here for a VIDEO that does a great job of explaining the credit repair process. Our in-house lender will work with you to prepare you for the buying process – even through the process of credit repair, if necessary. In the end, taking a few steps now can put you in a better place for future home purchases!
Does Credit Repair Work?
by Tammy Murphy | Sep 16, 2009 | Real Estate News | 1 comment
Recently a Realtor referred a client to me, after reviewing his credit we were unable to grant an approval. But our relationship didn’t stop there we worked with the client for the last three months and have helped bring his score up 92 points in that short time. The customer was amazed!
If you have clients like this I would be happy to help them work toward the American Dream, homeownership! As a byproduct we both get a closing, what a wonderful system. As if this wasn’t a good enough deal already, I will even pay for the cost of having the attorney work with them!
If this sounds like something that may aide some of your clients please contact me for the details, I will be happy to go over those and other ideas that will help you get more closings!
Bill Hudson
Liberty Lending
Office: 937-771-5011
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://www.GoLibertyLending.com