I receive updates from Dayton Downtown Planning and they do a great job informing people what all is really going on and the progress of projects in our great city. If you aren’t receiving the information, here’s a quick synopsis:
Dayton Named One of the Nation’s Top 50 Bike-Friendly Cities
Bicycling magazine has ranked Dayton as the 45th best bicycling city in the nation. The magazine noted Dayton’s “claims to fame” include the fact that cyclists “can take off in the birthplace of flight with 30 miles of central-city trails connecting to a 270-mile network of paths.”
Crowne Plaza Completes $5 Million Remodeling
Downtown Dayton’s Crowne Plaza Hotel has completed a top-to-bottom $5 million remodeling. The hotel spent the past year refurbishing its 285 guest rooms, meeting rooms and lobby, which features a new fitness room and will be enhanced with a new coffee shop opening later in the year.
Enjoy Lunch, Live Entertainment at Courthouse Square
Noontime weekday entertainment in the heart of downtown Dayton is back. The DDP and Montgomery County present The Square Is Where … , featuring free live entertainment on downtown’s Courthouse Square. A variety of performers are taking the stage around the noontime lunch hour on most Tuesdays through Fridays from now through Sept. 14.
Sinclair Community College Begins Master Planning Process
Sinclair Community College has budgeted $500,000 to develop a master plan in the next nine to 12 months for its 55-acre downtown campus. The plan will assess the condition of current facilities and the need for space, create better-defined campus entries and improved student gathering areas through landscaping, and study traffic flow and parking.