(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

Although buying a home isn’t rocket science, although it can feel overwhelming… we are here to help you along the way!

Getting in contact with us early is very helpful to the process and unlike searching online for homes and loans – we promise not to bombard your phone and email with SPAM.  Have you looked online and seen a house that catches your eye – and in an honest (innocent) effort thought clicking “more info” was the better to get answers??  Likely then, you also have been hit up with a BUNCH of phone calls / emails that suddenly you feel inclined to turn everything off and never search again online!?

WE know the feeling = as Realtors it seems EVERYONE has something to sell us LOL.  So we respect the right you have to search online for homes – and we assist with giving you specific emails about new listings or homes that update status / price to fit your needs – and only those emails are what we will send.  You could also sign up for our newsletter – which is only generated at the first of each month, but again – delivery is specific to your request for the information and if that ever changes, you can opt out.

Online lenders that try to “sell” you the idea of also giving you HOME SEARCHES – is SELLING YOUR INFO TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER AGENT and not necessarily the right Realtor for You 😉

Reach out and call / text or email Tammy directly for your personal Real Estate experience to begin (without the hassle of being SPAMMED).