(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

Register On My Site to WIN

Getting NEW CLIENTS is an opportunity to not only expand my business but a chance to meet new people like you!  So as an added incentive to the great working relationship we can develop as Buyer / Seller to Realtor, I would like to offer the option to register on my SITE and new clients will be entered into a drawing to WIN $250 Gift Card for Lowe’s.

CLICK HERE to be taken to the Registration Site.  And I look forward to working with you in the near future!

By the way – even if you don’t happen to WIN the gift card – I hope that you will feel you still “WIN” working with ME!

What’s Better than a FREE Home Buyers Seminar?

How about a FREE Home Buyers Seminar with a chance to WIN a One-Week Vacation?! That’s right, I want to help you learn about the buying process while providing information from trusted vendors AND offer a FREE VACATION GET-AWAY for one lucky participant.  No catch, no obligation – but you do have to be present to WIN – so why not come and share a few hours of the day with us and maybe you’ll be better informed to make your next purchase and win that much needed get-away.  (Full week of lodging ONLY at RCI Resort of your choosing – must travel before Dec. 31, 2008, other terms and conditions may apply.) With Over 1500 Resorts to choose from – “one” is bound to be a special place for you!  CLICK HERE to see RCI Map link.