(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

“The Photographer is Coming”…

“The Photographer is Coming” … While this is a cry we want our Sellers to hear loud and clear – it is not to warn off the enemy; but rather, to help get you prepared for the BEST PHOTO OPPORTUNITIES for your home – to share the BEST PICS possible for peaking Buyer’s interests!!

A good adage to go by: MAXIMIZE SPACE, de-clutter and CLEAN anything that you can physically handle (if necessary, it would be good money to spend and hire some help) and think of this way – when we SELL your home, you are ONE STEP AHEAD in being packed and ready to make your own move!

I found this list to be comprehensive and very helpful: http://boxbrownie.com/pdf/BoxBrownie.com%20-%20Pre%20Photography%20Checklist.pdf