(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

LOCAL Home Sales

So you are hearing that home sales “dropped” and things are really bad?  Well, that depends on where you are located!  Our first half of the year information shows:


Listings SOLD
2010 12652 5445
2009 11758 4841
% Change 7.60% 12.48%
Total List $ Total Sale $
2010 $712,568,524 $678,670,542
2009 $594,410,049 $561,487,488
% Change 19.88% 20.87%
%Sale/List Median Sale $ Avg Sale $
2010 95.24 $109,000 $124,641
2009 94.46 $95,500 $115,986
% Ch 0.83% 14.14% 7.46%

If you have questions, want to know what your specific area is doing or your current market value, Call Tammy today!

Montgomery County REAPPRAISAL

Have you heard about this??  I just completed a meeting with a couple of the people from the County Auditor’s office and boy – was it informational!  I’m sure I received a card in the mail (like you probably did) saying something about Tax Value – but honestly, I didn’t pay any attention to it.  NOW – I wish I had at least looked at it closer! (more…)