(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

Home Inspection Services

When asked, “who do you use for home inspections?” I answer that I personally have used Tony Burke with AccuTech Home Inspections. Tony does an excellent job of providing a thorough inspection that not only will educate a buyer but provide a sense of assurance for the closing to proceed after the inspection report is completed.

CLICK HERE for more information about their services.

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Now granted, there are many Home Inspectors out there – and I have had deals where other services have been requested and used. But if I am asked for my “personal” recommendation, then I want to provide the name of someone I can completely trust. Tony has earned that trust by being honest and forthright with information – whether that was “good news” or “not so good news.” I would much rather know the “not so good news” upfront and know that it was being stated as fact and not for any other reason.

Sellers, ask me about a “Pre-Offer Inspection!” This is a great service that may be available for your property that has been on the market for awhile – but just never received the right offer. By having a Pre-Offer Inspection, you may be able to provide a peace of mind to the Buyers who do come through the house later.