(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

Local Assistance is Here

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Facing Foreclosure is not an easy thing to endure; along with the personal embarrassment you may feel and lack of self confidence to take care of your family – the added stress from not knowing where to turn seems impossible to overcome. You’re getting mail from strangers who “promise the world” only to find out they require money up front or they turn out not to be able to answer your questions. Now that you are feeling like the bunny looking for shelter from the hawk – let me again assure you – THERE IS HOPE. While speaking with your lender is vital – finding an organization that can support you locally is just as beneficial. The Community Action Partnership is our local organization that has programs in place and personnel trained to assist those in financial need. Not necessarily a “hand-out” but the ability to work with you and the current lender or even in finding a new lender to work with you – the support and guidance you receive from them could help give you the restful nights sleep you need and the hope for facing the future of tomorrow. Fighting together to make the American Dream your reality is the key to not having to give up, if you have more questions about this program or any other concerns about foreclosure – please give me a call. Our discussion will be in confidence, candid and most likely very helpful for what you are trying to accomplish. Hang in there – there are concerned people who do not want to take advantage of you or your situation – you just need to let us know about your plight.

Foreclosure Help

Times have been challenging for most people and with the media coverage constantly talking about all the negative effects of economic changes – you probably feel like it’s all overwhelming. But you also probably still feel like you are alone in all of this and maybe that is because of your generation or because of personality. You must fight the urge to take cover and hide from your existence! There is HELP only if you reach out and let someone know the details so they can help.

Are you just falling behind – not yet in the Foreclosure process?

First Step – call Your Mortgage Company – Loss Mitigation Department or Customer Servic. Do Not Be Embarrassed to speak with them and see what they offer for alternative payment options. They “should” be willing to work with you to keep you in your home and to maintain the mortgage.

If NOT or you are beyond any assistance they offer – CALL ME. I may know someone or be able to find someone to better assist you at this point – BEFORE YOU LOOSE THE HOUSE. If all else fails and we need to SELL the House – we want to work FAST so that we can avoid the Foreclosure on your record. (Bankruptcies are more forgiving on your record than a Foreclosure – so avoid this however necessary!)

The City / County may also have sources of Help – I can put you in contact with these programs.

Are you about to have that ARM adjust / or has it already adjusted and NOW you’ll be having a problem?

This is where the FHA program that has been introduced may be able to assist you. They have very specific guidelines (must have been current and never late on a payment for the prior 12 months and only fallen behind due to the Rate Adjustment…) Again, either myself or others in the industry will be able to help direct you at this point.