(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

Update to Home Ownership Center Assistance

We received this update to services the Home Ownership Center provides and we wanted to ensure we passed it along.

If you’re thinking of buying and wondered if there is any down payment assistance available and or credit counseling services to be ready to make your purchase, contact them at 937-853-1600

Free Homebuyer Counseling!

The HomeOwnership Center recently received a HUD grant that we can now use to cover the costs of homebuyer counseling. The grant means that first-time homebuyer counseling is free to our clients.

Do you have clients that are not quite ready to buy their first home? Send them to us and we can give them back to you…mortgage ready! So, how does that affect the pricing for the entire First-Time Homebuyer program? Let’s take a look.

Service Cost to Client
First-Time Homebuyer Counseling Only Free
Fist-Time Homebuyer Class – In Person $25
First-Time Homebuyer Class – Online $99

Remember that clients are required to complete the entire First-Time Homebuyer Program (counseling and class) to receive the certificate of completion. If you have any questions, just give us a call at 937.853.1600 or email Joanna Trent at [email protected].

Call 937.853.1600 for more information.

Union Savings Bank

UPDATE June 2023:  The following post information and materials contained is NO LONGER BE AVAILABLE.    Understanding that loan programs and contacts are always subject to change is critical to ensuring you have timely access and up to date information.

Expired image

With so many choices for lenders out there – you may often wonder, what’s the difference?  We like to let our client’s know that sometimes it is a matter of personalities, but often times – you want to compare rates and closing costs to ensure you are getting the best deal possible.  Other times – it is just knowing that the lender is IN IT with YOU and willing to make the process work, or take the extra time you might need to get the financing, or to help answer questions or so many other pieces of the puzzle that may need to “fit” to get your into the home “loan” for your budget.

I love when a lender is available to take calls, responds to emails, when they are PROACTIVE in working together and when they find the “right program” to fit our client’s needs!

$250 Closing Costs Union Savings flyer

Blanket Loan Union Savings Flyer

Commercial Real Estate Loans Union Savings

Communities First Down Payment Program Union Savings Flyer

Construction Loans Union Savings Flyer

How to get Pre Qualified UNION SAVINGS Flyer

Union Savings JOE WOMACKS lender programs

VA Loan Programs Union Savings Flyer

It’s BACK – Welcome Home FUNDS

But you MUST ACT FAST!  This is a DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE program that comes out the first part of the year – with up to $5000 that can help BUYERS to get into the home of their dreams.  Lender specific qualifications – not all lenders are able to do this program.  But it can apply for your house purchase – even if you are NOT a First Time Home Buyer!!  Contact me QUICK to see if this can help you!

HR 6694

Here is the latest information received regarding the Down Payment Assistance Programs and the soon to be lost program if nothing is changed:

While our government is bailing out Wall Street, DPA and H.R. 6694 is looking out for Main Street.

The plan being negotiated calls for the government to spend up to $700 billion to bailout Wall Street. Add in the $300 billion from the “Housing Bill” (H.R 3221) passed in July and this bailout is costing taxpayers $1 TRILLION! The single largest part of this tragedy is that this $1 trillion is being spent bailout Wall Street, banks, institutional investors and foreign investors!

And while all this is going on in Washington, D.C., who’s looking out for the American Taxpayer? Who’s focusing on working class Americans?

The growing list of sponsors for H.R. 6694 are! As you know HUD has tried to paint a picture of DPA as part of the problem. However, today more and more people are realizing that DPA and H.R. 6694 is instead, a part of the solution. A $150 billion annual boon to our economy that does not require taxpayer subsidy! (more…)