(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

Federal Reserve $1 Trillion Mortgage Infusion!

You’ve been waiting for this…the best possible news for our housing market to get the right kind of boost!  If you have been Pre-Approved – you need to be in contact with your Lender NOW, rates could DROP dramatically and those who are watching will greatly benefit.  If you aren’t Pre-Approved but have been considering a purchase – NOW IS THE TIME. (more…)

You SHOULD be Ready to Buy – NOW!

Here’s the thing – if you NEED a house – NOW is the time to BUY…if you financially can afford the loan, closing costs and associated maintenance – reasonably, there will NEVER be the opportunities you can find now.  So you think that “I” am just saying that?  No, because honestly, I leave the buying decision up to my clients.  HOWEVER, there may be times – when in all good knowledge that I have – my recommendation is to WRITE THE OFFER NOW as oppossed to waiting…and so many times, that proves to have been the best deal for my clients.

I stumbled upon this article and wanted to share a portion for you to consider – if YOU or anyone you know, is thinking about BUYING:

Now, what is going to happen to home prices over the next few years?

I am not as formally schooled in such matters as our current leaders are. I’m just a guy who has seen this movie, too. It is my belief that a side effect to saving America’s economy will be a robust increase in inflation. I believe that Inflation will regain all the “value” we lost in housing over the past two years, and that it will regain it in five years or less. Simply put, to put the brakes on inflation, government must inhibit the recovery. The people in power aren’t going to do that. Inflation is a necessary evil compared to a full scale depression and an acceptable trade off for most of us. (And oil won’t stay at about $40 a barrel too long, either!)

So, tell your clients the truth: Interest rates will never be this low again in their lifetimes. Home prices won’t be this low again in their lifetimes. This is the perfect storm economically, but it also the perfect time to buy a home; provided that you buy it as a home and not a piggy bank. It’s just a nice side benefit that five years from now, the home you bought today will have appreciated so much that you’ll be thinking (just like I did in 1979): “What a smart investor I am!”

This just happens to be the perfect confluence of opportunity and necessity: we must fix the economy and we’re going to, whatever it takes. Inflation is an unavoidable side effect. Buy that house this year!

No pressure from me – but I will tell you – there is NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT (to buy, which also means that if you have a property to SELL – this is the time to have it listed with a Realtor so that the buying public can have the access they need.)  I am available to assist you with Buying or Selling in todays market!


What Are YOU Waiting For??

We hear it in the news – the banks have money to lend…but are they “lending” money?  I have at least a DOZEN Buyers that are right now – looking and ready to Buy!  Even when we think we find the right house – something seems to not be right with getting them a loan.  I continue to ask – what are the Banks waiting for?!

Likewise, I have a number of “buyers” who have been looking for some time for the “right” property…and we look and keep looking.  They either haven’t even gotten to the point of getting Pre-Approved to know what  they may need to do in the event of finding the “right” place; OR, they have been Pre-Approved and the “right” place just isn’t found yet.  Maybe the rates will go down, maybe the stimulus will give them something more for buying or maybe – who knows?  Fact is, I’ve had clients that in hind-sight, DID find the “right” property they just decided not to make the offer when first seen – and then a terrible thing happened, SOMEONE ELSE made the offer and bought the property!

And while we are on the subject, Sellers – or better, Potential Sellers – what are you waiting for??  Did you know that RIGHT NOW – there are 1147 homes PENDING FOR SALE.  YES, there are Deals, there are Buyers and there are obviously Sellers – our market SOLD 8491 homes last year.  If we arleady have over 1100 Pending – seems to me with this just being the middle of February, we are on track to have a better year!

If you are looking to SELL – now is the time, if you can price your home according to the market and still be OK – don’t wait.  If you are looking to BUY – now is the time…interest rates are great and there are a number of homes to choose from, make an offer and at least START the process of negotiating.  And finally, BANKS – PLEASE START MAKING THE LOANS and being reasonable that not everyone has “perfect credit” – but people do need a place to live and they will do what it takes to provide for themselves and those they love.

Good Luck to everyone, I am here to help make dreams a reality!

Potential Changes for Buyer Credit

Every leading economist comes back to the same basic belief:  Our housing market is crucial to the survival and even rebound of the economy.  What that means is that the current $7500 first time homebuyer credit is looking to be changed – increased in dollar amount and / or removal of the “repayment” feature.  The following link to article will give you some ideas of what Realtors are trying to make possible for you!

Tax Credit Changes Could Unleash Home Sales

First Time Home-Buyer Series

If you have never bought a home, or its been 3 years since you were a home owner: you may be wondering just what all is involved with the process…this series of posts will help guide you through and hopefully answer some of your questions.  As always – you can call or email me with any specific questions you might have.  My FREE Home Buyers Seminars are also a great way to get answers to questions and learn about the buying process…