(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

Facing Foreclosure?

Facing Foreclosure?

If you find yourself Facing Foreclosure, the first thing I would say to you: “there is HOPE and HELP.”

As hard as it is to understand or believe, all things do happen for a reason. I will work confidentially with you to try and keep you in the home you love, or sell that house that has become the problem! Feel free to contact me by whatever means is easiest for you – email, call or we can meet privately.

Understanding what OPTIONS you have – as soon as you know that you are hitting a troubled path with your home ownership is CRITICAL for you to be able to make the best decisions for you and your family.  It also helps to provide time to breathe and time to try alternative paths – before the actual foreclosure.  As a trusted advisor to many clients in many different circumstances and housing markets – helping you to navigate this difficult time is something I can compassionately and professionally assist you in overcoming.

Save The Dream