(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

Weekends Are For Fun!

Don’t get stuck inside for Open Houses, phone calls, paperwork or anything that has to do with selling your home! Leave it to the professionals at RH2L that are passionate about what they do! Selling a home can be demanding. These realtors will do their best to keep you satisfied and relaxed during a stressful time. Enjoy your weekends and let the  professionals sell your home!

Selling Your Home can be Stressful

There are many things about selling a home that people do not realize. It is super stressful and there are contracts that can be hard to handle! Realtors are licensed, therefore have better access to information that is needed, making it more convenient. They also have much more experience with selling houses and the negotiating that comes with it. Their full time job is to sell your house and they do their best to keep you happy while doing so. Forbes wrote an article, “Five Reasons Why You Still Need A Real Estate Agent,” if you’re interested in reading more about this.

Image result for for sale by owner bad

Home Inspection and the Seller(s)

For the most part, the Home Inspection is all about the Buyer and finding out what is the condition of the home.  Our friends at AccuTech shared this information regarding the Seller role:

Home inspectors should be a welcome part of the home buying process for the seller the agent and the buyer. Not only will the inspector provide a list of items that need attention, but they also, by the process of elimination, indicate all the areas of the home that are in working order. If you’re the seller or agent, the home inspection process can be a seamless one if you follow some basic steps.

Make Repairs

Home inspectors are understandably meticulous when they look over the house. After all, that is what they are being paid for. It is the inspector’s job to find any existing issues or potential concerns, but that doesn’t mean they are going to tear the house apart and write up everything they see.

One area that they will pay special attention to are leaks. Be sure that anything that could be leaking is in good working order before inviting the inspector and the buyers into your home. Some things to look out for include:

  • Basement or crawl space water seepage
  • Appliances
  • Supply and waste plumbing
  • Crawlspaces and attics
  • HVAC units

A Clean House is a Happy House

You want to make a good impression on the prospective buyers as well as the inspector. It never hurts to clean the home before anyone arrives. Sweep, mop, vacuum, and dust to leave a fresh scent in your wake. Make sure any clutter or personal effects are put away and out of sight.

To Stay or To Go

Whether you decide to stay or go during the home inspection is ultimately your decision. It never hurts to ask the agents involved if the buyers have a preference. They may want you there to show them the trick to getting into the attic or where you’ve hidden the shed key. This can also be helpful for the inspector.

Knowing that your home is ready for another family’s memories is a little bittersweet, but it’s worth it. The home inspection process will go more smoothly if you prepare for it ahead of time.

Tony Burk, 937-344-4663, [email protected]


Wiring Funds? PRECAUTIONS are Still Needed

Wiring Funds for your upcoming closing on a home may seem like a simple process – but BEWARE and take precautions as this has become a potenital for scammers to steal your money.  ALWAYS CALL YOUR REALTOR AND TITLE COMPANY AND BANK TO ENSURE INFORMATION.  Email wiring instructions should NOT BE TRUSTED without CONFIRMATION.

The new consumer protection rules and lender laws we have in place STILL could have some issues for you as the Buyer or Seller to be informed about; especially because so much of our business is being done over the internet with technology apps and emails.  One thing that we like to make sure our client’s are aware of – is that WIRING INSTRUCTIONS are NOT LIKELY TO CHANGE – so while we meet in person and discuss things, depending on the title company that has been selected – we often have those wiring instructions in our hands and can provide directly to you.  This helps to ensure that your email communication discussing the potential for closing, wire instructions or other key phrases cannot be picked up on my some SCAMMER out there.  If you DO receive WIRE INSTRUCTIONS via email (from your Realtor or the Title Company or the Lender) it is ALWAYS a good safety precaution to CALL THAT PERSON DIRECTLY and ask if they had sent the information…I would encourage you to go as far as reading the wiring instructions exactly to them to ensure NOTHING WAS CHANGED or HACKED.

The idea of wiring funds – SHOULD give a peace of mind, as you are controlling the funds coming out of your account and going directly into the account that is required (closing / title company) as procedure in our area.  HOWEVER, since many times we all get busy and something else comes up that requires our attention, we can forget that we already received a document or where we filed it – and now that it is time to make the transfer – you could inadvertently pull the SCAM message instead.  Once you hit send – those funds are GONE and trying to track it down after the fact is going to be a nightmare NONE OF US want to be involved with, and you certainly do not want to loose out on the purchase / sale of your home because someone SCAMMED YOU.

National Title Company also has this helpful list of precautions – if you are looking to buy or sell property – you will want to BE INFORMED of this procedure and precautions you may want to take to protect yourself, your funds and your property.  BEWARE of WIRE FRAUD

Helpful Hints for a HOT Seller’s Market

So the tide has turned, in fact, we were telling clients in October that we were seeing the signs of change for the market to be favoring Sellers.  Now it appears all the rest of the consensus is in agreement and the data is proving, in fact, we are in a Seller’s Market.  But as a BUYER – you will want to know what that means for you…and we can help you navigate the way to still get the home you want for a price you can afford.  Here are some things to keep in mind:


In a seller’s market, home buyers need to be willing and able to act fast to snag the home they want. This spring, areas across the country are facing a limited number of homes for sale. Realtor.com® offers up a cheat sheet for surviving a seller’s market.

  • Be on call. “If you’re only looking now and then when it’s convenient, you’re probably wasting your time,” says James Malmberg, a real estate professional in Sherman Oaks, Calif. He suggests treating house hunting like job hunting. If someone calls with a lead, follow up promptly to gauge whether it could be a good fit and don’t linger.
  • Bring the paperwork. To be taken seriously, buyers would be wise to get a mortgage pre-approval letter as well as a “proof of funds” form from their bank to show they have enough to cover a down payment. They’ll be able to act quicker when they do find the right house.
  • Limit the contingencies. In a seller’s market, buyers may need to drop some of the contingencies to score the house. Sellers prefer the fewest number of hurdles to closing as possible. If your buyers come in with several contingencies — such as “if” they secure financing — the sellers are more inclined to bypass their offer and take another with less hassle. Also, “don’t waste your time lowballing a seller,” advises Sean Kelley, a real estate professional with Howard Hannah in Pittsburgh, Pa. “Always put in an aggressive offer.”
  • Cast a wide net. Search for homes outside prime locations if faced with limited or high-priced choices. Buyers need to carefully consider what they’re willing to compromise on. “Sometimes properties sit, even in a seller’s market, because of a problem that is scaring other buyers away,” such as some renovation work that may need to be done, Malmberg says. Those “flaws,” however, might not be a big deal to your buyers. “Finding a house this way can also cut down on the amount of competition you will face,” Malmberg adds.


For Sale By Owner – FSBO

If you are a Seller looking for the best way to get your home SOLD – while saving as much money as you can – I have a FSBO Assistance Program that will help you to market to the Buying Public at a LOW -ONE TIME – COST.  When you add up the cost of listing on FSBO site, and the LIMITS they put on for the number of photos, changes, etc – add in the cost of newspaper advertising, the time you spend holding open houses and much more that is involved with selling your home – you have more than paid for the services of a Realtor.  But I understand, not everyone is in a position to sell with a Realtor, and not everyone needs the full services of a Realtor; so this FSBO Assistance Program IS YOUR ANSWER.  Call or email me today to find out more – no hassle, easy to understand AND saves you money!