(937) 838-0997 [email protected]

Home Buyer 101

Getting the information you need PRIOR to starting the purchase process can help to ensure you know what to expect along the way! Tammy offered a valuable webinar to walk thru the process and this recorded video shares that 30 minute discussion. If you would like more information or have questions specific to your needs, feel free to reach out to us to set a time to meet (in person on virtually online).

Looking To Buy A House?

If thinking about buying a home, look no further! Tammy is here to help those looking, find what they are looking for. She listens to the wants and needs of her clients to find their perfect home! No matter how nit-picky someone may think they are, she will simply listen, and take in what is said to find something that fits the description. She will not stop until she is convinced that her clients are satisfied!

Home Inspection and the Seller(s)

For the most part, the Home Inspection is all about the Buyer and finding out what is the condition of the home.  Our friends at AccuTech shared this information regarding the Seller role:

Home inspectors should be a welcome part of the home buying process for the seller the agent and the buyer. Not only will the inspector provide a list of items that need attention, but they also, by the process of elimination, indicate all the areas of the home that are in working order. If you’re the seller or agent, the home inspection process can be a seamless one if you follow some basic steps.

Make Repairs

Home inspectors are understandably meticulous when they look over the house. After all, that is what they are being paid for. It is the inspector’s job to find any existing issues or potential concerns, but that doesn’t mean they are going to tear the house apart and write up everything they see.

One area that they will pay special attention to are leaks. Be sure that anything that could be leaking is in good working order before inviting the inspector and the buyers into your home. Some things to look out for include:

  • Basement or crawl space water seepage
  • Appliances
  • Supply and waste plumbing
  • Crawlspaces and attics
  • HVAC units

A Clean House is a Happy House

You want to make a good impression on the prospective buyers as well as the inspector. It never hurts to clean the home before anyone arrives. Sweep, mop, vacuum, and dust to leave a fresh scent in your wake. Make sure any clutter or personal effects are put away and out of sight.

To Stay or To Go

Whether you decide to stay or go during the home inspection is ultimately your decision. It never hurts to ask the agents involved if the buyers have a preference. They may want you there to show them the trick to getting into the attic or where you’ve hidden the shed key. This can also be helpful for the inspector.

Knowing that your home is ready for another family’s memories is a little bittersweet, but it’s worth it. The home inspection process will go more smoothly if you prepare for it ahead of time.

Tony Burk, 937-344-4663, [email protected]


Home Inspectors are an Important Part of the Process

So now you are IN CONTRACT and you are thinking about all that has to be done – what’s next?  Getting a HOME INSPECTION.  As a Buyer, you will want to ensure that a neutral, licensed / professional is making the inspection of your possible next home – so that you can be better aware of what is the current condition of the home.

Now a Home Inspector is like a “general doctor” – they are going to be able to give you a good overall opinion of the condition, how the main systems “look” and if there are any areas to be specifically concerned.  However, they should specifically tell you about SAFETY, STRUCTURE and HABITABILITY as these are the items that we can address with a “Post Inspection Agreement” (where we ask the Seller if they can repair / replace or give credit for the items found to be of concern / non-operational).

So who do we recommend?  There is a full LIST of Home Inspectors that are available, and we do NOT receive any compensation from any Inspector that we recommend.  Our recommendations are based upon the service we have received for our clients and that is all that we can pass along.  If you are shopping for a lower price – understand that the person/company you want is the one that is going to give you all the relevant information in a way that you understand, in the time that you need and most importantly – the most accurate.  And yes, if you uncle does home inspections – you can use him; however, if they are not a licensed “company” or insured the Seller may/could reject the findings.

Here’s a few of our trusted providers:

AccuTech, 937-344-4663

Miami Valley Property Inspections. 937-332-1413

Pillar to Post, 937-291-9100

As the Realtor, we typically arrange for the Home Inspection for our Buyer client – as they will need details of the house, contact for the Listing Agent, etc.  The Buyer though gets to “pick” the Home Inspector to be used.  Sometimes the availability of one inspector does not match with our client needs, and we will need to move down the list to other options.  Plan on a 3-hour window (typically) for the home inspection process, and YES – the Buyer can be there – we SUGGEST that the Buyer allow the Inspector to get into and do the majority of the inspection, coming at the last hour for details and to hear the report.  Please NOTE:  Our company policy requires for the Buyer’s Agent to be present, if the Buyer is going to attend – so coordinating multiple schedules is critical.  This is for all party’s protection and to provide for clear understanding of the Inspectors findings.  (Sellers are typically NOT present for this process).

You MAY choose to have independent Companies come out for specific “Specialty” Inspections: Roof, HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Chimney, Structural.  Understand that these companies are generally going to charge separately for the inspection they do, whether or not there is work that they could later do to resolve if any issues are found.  If you pay for each individually, you will likely pay more than what the Home Inspector would charge – but the difference is a general practitioner vs a specialist.

Once the Home Inspection Report is received, usually a SUMMARY is also included – that will indicate those areas of concern (if any).  This is the information that the Buyer and their Agent will discuss as to how to address in a Post Inspection Agreement; another post 😉

Don’t Forget to TURN ON Utilities!

If you are a planning to BUY a new place to call “Home” – or moving into the Dayton area, you will likely need to be setting up those Utility Accounts. As part of the purchase process, the Seller SHOULD call for final readings in advance of the actual closing date – and YOU, as the Buyer / New Owner will want to ensure that you don’t have to RECONNECT utilities but rather have a TRANSFER to your name to ensure services continue.

This handy “Utility Checklist” may help you to make this less stressful and easier to keep information on file.