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My First International Travel? Does a Girls trip to Cancun count?? OF COURSE!  And I’ve really had to think about that – was that the first time I traveled outside of the US??  Actually, I know that my mom has told me of a trip to Nova Scotia while I was very young – so young that I have no memory – so that does not count.  However, I did take a trip to the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic when I was 21, so that would have to be the first official international visit.  Traveling on a cruise ship was a “safe” way to explore multiple locations, but we were restricted to time spent and activities and that feeling of “freedom” was not as obvious – still blessed to have been able to do that trip at such an age, and Snorkeling became a new love of mine as a result!

Girls trip then comes in a close second – but the “freedom” was certainly felt during this trip! What an experience to be able to board a plane and fly to a new country and see ALL THE THINGS YOU CAN SQUEEZE INTO A LONG WEEKEND.  Given that, with all the Senor Frogs and Tequila – the memories are still present thankfully! Again, a snorkel trip to hook me further into the pass time activity and I have more blessings to count!!