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If Buying a Home

There are a few things to keep in mind when buying a home to keep you in good terms with real estate agents.  Agents work on commission therefore they are very motivated to do a good job for you.  Be considerate, be on time for appointments.  They are very busy and are not only working for you, they will have other clients.  If not, it’s not a good sign.  Make sure to find an agent that you trust!  Interview agents until you find the one you are most comfortable with.  Let them know that you are in the interviewing stage.  Do not call a listing agent if you are working with a buying agent.  Let your agent do this, they know what to say and have had much more practice and training.  At this point you are serious about buying or you wouldn’t have sought out an agent.  Get preapproved to help the process and bring your checkbook if you are going to a house you are serious about!  And lastly, good luck with everything.

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